How Can I Get A Degree Copy Of Brunel University?


How can I get a degree copy of Brunel University? buy a Brunel University diploma certificate.


Brunel University London admission requirements

English requirement

1. Brunel university language course ielts requirements: minimum 4 points

2. Brunel university preparatory course ielts requirement: 5.5

3. IELTS requirements for Brunel university undergraduate and postgraduate courses: 6 to 7. where to get Brunel university master’s degree?

Requirements for undergraduate application

1. Chinese freshmen with an average score of 75 or above can directly apply for Brunel university’s undergraduate courses

2. High school graduates who have passed a-level or IB exams can apply directly for undergraduate courses

3. Those who have graduated from high school and are studying one-year preparatory courses at Brunel University can apply directly. maybe you can buy a Brunel University degree certificate on this website.

Requirements for graduate students

1. Graduated from a Chinese university with a bachelor’s degree corresponding to the major applied. In addition, the average score is 70-80, with different requirements for different majors

2.MBA requires three years of work experience, ielts 6.5 (score no less than 6)

3.Science, technology and information technology: ielts 6

4.Liberal arts and social sciences, education, social work and law: ielts 6.5

Application requirements for preparatory courses

Students who do not meet the requirements for direct admission to the university may apply for admission to the Brunel university international school of LBIC preparatory courses. buy a United Kingdom University diploma online.

1. Bachelor’s degree: completed the second year of high school (different requirements for average score), ielts 5.5 for business and computer courses (no less than 5.5 for single courses), and ielts 6.0 for law and engineering courses (no less than 5.5 for single courses).

2. International freshman year: graduated from the third year of high school, with an average score of 75% and ielts 6.0 (no less than 5.5)

3. Master’s degree program: bachelor’s degree or three-year associate’s degree in China, with an average score of 65-70%

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