Get a Douglas College Diplomas Online


Order a Douglas College diplomas online, where to get a Douglas College degrees, how to buy a Douglas College transcript, where to buy a college diploma certificate in Canada.


Founded in 1970, Douglas College is one of the largest public higher education colleges in Canada.  Douglas College offers four educational services, including a two-year or three-year associate degree (equivalent to a specialist diploma in China), academic upgrading, continuing education, and more than 30 career training programs. Associate degree majors include Art, Teacher Development, Creative Writing, Economics, Environmental Studies, Women’s Studies and Gender Relations, Intercultural and International Studies, Environmental Science, etc. Career Training Program Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, Child and Young People Health, Community Recovery, Nursing, Sports and Coaching, Psychiatric Care, Psychology, Recreational Therapy, Criminology, etc. Among them, Psychology, Music and Performing Arts, Crime The majors such as learning have been widely praised.

Students pursuing an associate degree at Douglas College can progress to a bachelor’s degree at any university in the University of British Columbia, Simon Fraser University, Victoria University, and Kwantlen Polytechnic University without having to transfer credits.

The school is strategically located near the light rail station in the heart of New Westminster, where students have easy access to classes. The new campus is located in the Gao Guilin area, and students can choose to take classes on two campuses. The school has a high quality of education and high admission requirements.


The school implements small classes and is inexpensive. With a well-developed international student service system, the faculty is strong and the facilities are complete. Every year, more than 1,000 graduates are smoothly transferred to the university, and most of them are enrolled in UBC, SFU, Victoria.


At Douglas, you only need to pay the college price to get a college-level education. If you choose to study in Douglas for the first two years of college, you can save $15,000 intuition, then enter one of Canada’s top universities and continue your studies from the third year.
Douglas College is a world-recognized diploma and is a Canadian public college accredited by the Chinese Ministry of Education. Chinese students can obtain a degree certificate from the Chinese Consulate in Vancouver after obtaining a Douglas College Diploma to return to China for job hunting.

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