Buy Taylor’s University Diploma, Get Bachelor’s Degrees


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Taylor’s University joined the most popular private colleges/universities in Malaysia in 2008 and 2009 and stood out from more than 100 other institutions of higher learning. Nearly 9,000 respondents aged between 16 and 19 participated in the Malaysian Student Survey and the results were obtained.

In the rating system of the Malaysian Academic Accreditation Council in 2009, the rating was given to the institutions of higher education in Malaysia (SETARA ’09). In July 2010, Taylor’s University was awarded the “Grade 5: Excellent” institution of higher education by the Ministry of Higher Education. The rating system evaluates the quality of undergraduate teaching at universities and colleges in Malaysia. In 2012, Taylor’s University was once again awarded the honor by the Ministry of Higher Education. In the SETARA ‘11, it was rated as “Grade 5: Excellent”, and the quality of Taylor’s teaching was once again recognized. Taylor’s University ranked 33rd in the nation’s private universities, the 80th in the nation, and the 725th in Southeast Asia in the 2015 Webometrics Rankings of World Universities.


Taylor’s Putra Brand Award ‘GOLD’ in 2010, once again proved that we spare no effort to provide the highest quality education. This recognition from the industry and 6,000 consumers participating in the online survey confirms Taylor’s ongoing efforts. Taylor’s University won this honor in 2011 and 2012, proving that Taylor is chosen by the people.
An independent survey of consumer trust in brands, which Taylors won the Reader’s Digest Trusted Brands Gold Award in 2011 and 2012, proving Taylor’s in Malaysia The status of the people. Being awarded the Most Trusted Brand Award means that Taylor is the most trusted and favorite of consumers in the thousands of similar brands on the market.


Taylor’s University won the Best Brand of Hospitality, Tourism and Culinary Arts at the 2011 BrandLaureates SMEs Chapter Awards. Taylor’s enthusiasm and contribution to hospitality, tourism and culinary arts, as well as the quality of education provided in the corporate branding group, have all opened up a wonderful 2012 for Taylor’s University.


In July 2011, Taylor’s University received funding from the Department of Higher Education for the first time under the Long Research Grant Scheme (LRGS) program. This is also the largest amount of research money paid to private universities in the history of the Ministry of Higher Education. This is a major breakthrough. The total amount of nine million ringgit research indicates the government’s confidence in Taylor’s research and development capabilities, and also believes that Taylor has the ability to execute such a large project.

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